Pre-primary teacher: What skills do you need?

It is not only the academic qualifications that matter the most when you step into the world of teaching. It is not only imparting knowledge that comes within your responsibilities as a teacher. Especially when it comes to teaching pre-primary classes, you need to hone some skills to ensure most efficient teaching sessions.

A pre-primary teacher training course will inform you well about what skills you need to possess. But before you do so, would you like to know a few of them? That’s why we bring to you this article for you to have a glance at them. Scroll down to know more!


Remember, in a pre-primary class setting, the learners belong to an early age group and it is not always expected that they will listen readily to whatever you have to offer. Sometimes these children are irrational and loud, some children have completely different learning needs than the others- you have to manage all single-handedly.

So, you can easily see, why we put “patience” in the first position. In fact, when you meet the parents of the children, you should be ready to face unending queries and doubts. Having your patience-metre high will help you overcome these sessions also.

Effective communication

Teaching can never be successful if it is only one-way. Effective communication, like everything else, is important here also. Unless there are some effective and efficient communication channels established, the children will fail to comprehend your instructions. You, on the other hand, will not receive what you thought the children would deliver for you could not convey that well to them.

One thing to keep in mind here- children of pre-primary classes do not communicate the way you or we the “grown-ups” do. It can very well be two or three words instead of a complete meaningful sentence. You have to decipher it and get done whatever is being asked for! That’s pre-primary class communication for you!


With patience, you need to be energetic also. Guess why? Well, the first reason should be you will have to face a class full of little ones with the energy level at the top-almost most of the time!

When we say energy, we mean engagement and excitement also. Every little achievement your learners make, you need to marvel at those and your energetic vibe will reach them also. This way, they will be appreciated and motivated.


Does this bring drawing, singing, making crafts in your mind? Well, with creativity we are not referring to your artistic skills. Throughout an online pre-primary teacher training course, you will be taught how to be creative while delivering lessons.

Developing lesson plans with more student engagement, using available resources to make learners understand what is being taught, explaining difficult topics in an easy way- all these are parts of creativity. It is this skill that will help you make your students think out of the box. So, you see how your creativity can inspire the early learners?

Critical thinking

Suppose you are telling the story of the fox and the grapes to the children of your class. Will you just read it out and tell the meaning? Or will you first point out the theme, arrange for some role-play etc? this is critical thinking incorporation in your teaching.

Once you analyse something, even a lesson, critically, you get a step closer to achieving the prior set goals or objectives. This particular skill is also helpful for understanding the notions and expectations of parents. The environment thus you produce within your classroom is thus productive and safe.

Keeping balance

When you join an institution after completing a teacher training programme you will find how keeping a balance among things is important. Balance between structure and deliverables, imparting knowledge and meeting learning needs- etc all come under this category of skill.

It might be pretty over the allotted time for you for a class. But your tiny tots will implore you for playing more games or continuing with the storyline even though you are done with “happily ever after”. It is your responsibility to flex your balancing skill and give in to their demands sometimes or stick to your decisions some other time.

Classroom management

Managing a class full of energetic children always thriving for something new is not an easy task. Thus, you need to have excellent classroom management skills to make sure everything falls into place in a systematic way. Developing a routine for lesson plans, balancing the demands of children in the class- everything is one or other part of classroom management.

With this skill, you are sure to put an efficient result up at the end. It will help you to supervise the kids well and abiding by the rules and regulations as set by the institutional board.

Conflict management

“Miss, he has my pencil”, “Miss, she is not giving my eraser back”, “I want this toy, will not give it to anyone”, “I want that toy too”- almost everyday scenes in a pre-primary classroom. Every now and then there is conflict regarding almost everything.

So, you need to have conflict resolution skills too so that nobody feels deceived or both parties’ viewpoints are considered. Disagreements may come up in a parent-teacher meeting also. Good conflict management skill will help you handle those situations with care too.

Collaborative skill

The mantra to success in any workplace setting is being an excellent team member. While teaching pre-primary classes, you are not at a competition with other colleagues of yours. Rather, it takes a collaborative approach for making it to the zenith of success.

The same stands true in the class also. The more you collaborate with the students, the more they will allow you down the lanes in their minds and you will find it easier to grasp at their demands and what teaching style to follow to meet their needs. Collaboration does pay off well, trust us.


Be curious, be ready to listen to what others have to say, be open to others’ suggestions- only then you can receive the ideas the children have in their minds. As a result, you can chalk out which strategy to follow to ensure success and efficient learning.

This is to apply in the teachers’ room also. When you are open minded you can identify the good points and incorporate them in your teaching method also.

Are you a person with all these already within you? Or are you confident to develop these skills in no time as you have always dreamt to teach little ones and shape their future from the very early stage? Join an authentic and recognised teacher training course today to learn all that you need to become associated.
