Adolescent Psychology

Understanding adolescents is crucial for parents to effectively support and guide their children through this developmental stage. Adolescent Psychology offered by LCTT are some important points to cover:

  • Empathy and Active Listening: Adolescents often feel misunderstood. Parents can build trust and rapport by actively listening to their concerns without judgment. This fosters open communication and helps parents understand their child's perspective.
  • Respect their Independence: Adolescents are striving for independence and autonomy. Parents should acknowledge their child's growing need for independence while still providing guidance and boundaries. Allowing them to make some decisions helps develop their sense of responsibility.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Create a safe and non-judgmental environment where adolescents feel comfortable expressing themselves. Encourage them to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly, and be available to listen without interrupting or lecturing.
  • Validate their Feelings: Adolescents experience a wide range of emotions as they navigate the challenges of adolescence. Parents should validate their child's feelings, even if they don't understand them, and help them develop healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with emotions.
  • Encourage Independence and Responsibility: Give adolescents opportunities to take on responsibilities and make decisions appropriate to their age and maturity level. This helps build confidence and self-esteem as they learn to navigate the world on their own.
  • Stay Informed and Involved: Stay informed about your child's interests, activities, and social circles. Get involved in their lives by attending school events, volunteering, and participating in activities together. This shows your child that you care about their interests and well-being.

By understanding adolescent psychology and implementing these strategies, parents can build a strong and supportive relationship with their children during this critical stage of development.

What you'll learn

  • Major theoretical perspectives that describe development from conception through adolescence.
  • The effects of nature and nurture on the development of the child.
  • Examine and analyze stages of development to merge them with the domains of development.
  • Identify and discuss some of the cultural, cross-cultural, and subcultural factors involved in human development.

Who this course is for

  • This is the perfect course for anyone interested in learning more about the study of human development, from prenatal development to circumstances of the adolescent. Great for parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, caregivers, and any human service worker.
  • Every parent should take this course to better understand their child's development

How it works

  • Once you choose the course and make the payment, you will be given access to the course with a unique username and password
  • You can access the course material at any time
  • Each module has a set of MCQs/assignment, students need to complete it successfully
  • At the end of the diploma course, an assignment will be given and students need to complete it
  • After the completion of the course, the certificate will be mailed to the candidates
Disclaimer: " Please note that the certificates are not to be used for any clinical practice or patient handling. The course is strictly targeted for teachers and parents. The student should not claim themselves to be a child psychologist after completion of the course."


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