Partner with LCTT

We at London College of Teachers and Trainers are looking to connect with Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities to form partnerships with them so as to set up local centers in those areas through which we can conduct our internationally accredited online and in-class programs.   

Guidelines for partnering with us:

A few things to be kept in mind to become our partner

  • Experience in the field of education and/or teacher training is preferred
  • A large space or classroom that can host at least 15-25 students is preferred. Bonus points if the space is located in a prime spot in the city. 
  • Our partners must promote and market our product in their city to amplify our presence
  • Training for our product will be provided by us
  • Partners will have to be involved in answering calls and enquiries from prospective candidates
  • If you are collecting the course fees on the behalf of London College of Teachers and Trainers then the amount needs to be deposited in our account within 24 business hours (3 days)
  • Providing local transport assistance to candidates is appreciated
  • Partners must have connections or tie-ups  with local schools
  • Must not retain any course fees collected on behalf of London College of Teachers and Trainers for more than 3 days
  • Partners must not use the London College of Teachers and Trainers logo without prior permission
  • Partners are strictly prohibited from sharing LCTT course materials without prior permission
  • Partners cannot issue any certificates on our behalf without our approval 

By partnering with London College of Teachers and Trainers, you not only get to build a profitable business but also get 10-15% share of the course fees for every candidate admitted, provided you don’t violate the guidelines provided.
To know more about partnering with us, please contact us at